

發布于: 2023-12-19 14:00






6月28日,意大利米蘭理工大學建筑與城市學院建筑遺產保護專業教授,建筑與景觀遺產保護、木構建筑保護診斷專家Francesco Augelli到訪永信和瑞,與設計總監楊建覺及設計團隊成員進行了一場有高度、有深度、更有細節的學術對話。


Francesco Augelli




JJ?Yang: Regarding the preservation and research of historic buildings, are the social or technical aspects more important in information collection?

Francesco Augelli:關于我的專業和研究經驗,我首先會考慮項目的特性。如果項目側重于城市尺度,比如一個歷史名城的保護和管理類的大型項目,我的方法將是從歷史研究開始,其次是社會研究,它包括居住者的特點(數量、年齡、性別、職業等),SWOT分析,習慣、風俗、生活方式、需求和其他社會方面。


Francesco?Augelli: Regarding my professional and research experience, I consider the characteristics of the requested project. If the project is focused on the urban scale, similar to a large project like the conservation and management of a historical town, my approach would be to start with historical knowledge, to the social research, including characteristics of the inhabitants (number, age, gender, occupations, and so on), the SWOT analysis, habits, customs, lifestyles, needs and other social aspects.

If we suppose the urban conservation will also be then focused on important historical buildings or the request of the client is about a historical building preservation and reuse design, in that case, it will be directed to switch to the technical level of preservation, using the methodology of historical architecture conservation starting to form the in-depth knowledge (historical and of the current condition), mapping and information collection and finally, based on them, to the preservation and adaptive reuse project.


JJ Yang: What is, in your opinion, the current level of preservation and renewal of historic towns and buildings in China? What are the issues that need to pay more attention to?

Francesco Augelli:我曾多次到過湖南。就目前而言,湖南有些地方對歷史建筑的干預需要多尊重歷史文化遺產的真實性。在修復過程中,建筑所呈現的不同時期的原始歷史痕跡都被抹去,人們把建筑翻新得煥然一新。經常有歷史建筑被拆除或完全改變,抑或新做的假古董取代了原來的外觀,而不尊重歷史建筑真實性的時間因素。



Francesco Augelli: I have visited Hunan many times. For the moment, there are some places in Hunan where too frequently, the intervention in historical buildings needs to respect the authenticity of cultural relics. In the restoration, the original historical traces of the different periods are all wiped out, refurbishing the building to look brand new. Frequently the historic buildings are demolished or completely changed, or newly made fake antiques replace the original appearance without respecting the time element of historical buildings authenticity.

The Italians have always insisted on authenticity, compatibility, recognizability and minimal intervention to remove the causes of deterioration and fix the damages to the building rather than covering or replacing the compatible historical traces of the historic buildings with no necessary changes. Since the Seventies, Italy has established a relatively complete theoretical and methodological system for the conservation of historical buildings with the participation of all walks of the competencies involved in such a complex project (preservation).

I hope that in the next future, also China and Hunan will have a similar methodological approach to knowledge and technical and scientific approach to the historical buildings, including also the ones of the Cultural Revolution that are important, even if modern, parts of the great history of China and Chinese People.


JJ Yang: Chinese historical buildings are diverse, large in scale and widely distributed. How can these historical buildings be conserved and,?at the same time,?adaptively reused so that they can generate a higher social and economic value? And this value can better promote the conservation of historic?buildings. This may be?a complex?problem.

Francesco Augelli:我在意大利教我的學生的如何平衡各利益相關者的需求。例如,如果我們修復一座寺廟,那么它的功能將保持為一座寺廟,即使最終將為游客增加必要的服務。但如果它是一個歷史悠久的住宅建筑,它也將被認為是必要的補充。另外,在這種情況下,最基本的一點是,歷史建筑的再利用應該適當地適應該建筑的歷史價值,而不是相反。當然,應該考慮現代化和更新服務。例如,在修復歷史上的住宅時,廁所、廚房、電力、空調、保溫等等都會被認為是適當匹配的。

我們教誨的主題是,我們必須尊重真實性(不同于 "原始 "的含義),尊重歷史建筑的價值,同樣要平衡當代日常生活的功能需求。數據分析和需求調研是通過利益相關者的參與和同意來完成的。利益相關者包括了國家機關、地州市政府、業主/客戶、開發商、設計公司、建筑商和投資者,他們對數據進行分析,并得出結論和植入功能的建議。

Francesco Augelli: What I teach my students in Italy is how to balance the needs of the stakeholders. For example, if we restore a temple, then its functions will remain as a temple even if will be eventually necessary additions of services for the visitors. But if it is a historical residential building, it will also be considered the essential additions. Also, in this case, the most fundamental point is that the reuse of a historical building should be appropriately adapted to the historical value of the building and not the contrary. Of course, modernization and updating of services should be considered. For example, when restoring a historical residential house, the toilets, kitchen, electricity, conditioning, insulation and so on will be regarded as properly compatible.

The theme of our teachings is that we must respect authenticity (different from the meaning of "original"), the value of historic buildings, and equally balance the functional needs of contemporary daily life. The data analysis and needs are done by going through the involvement and agreement of the stakeholders, which covers the government, municipality, the owner/client, the developer, the design firm, the builder, and the investor, which analyses the data, and draws conclusions and implants the functions proposals.


Ren Zijian:The professor also mentioned significant differences between the Italian and Chinese approaches to wood structures in preserving buildings in the past. In what aspects? Nowadays, the understanding of wood structure is gradually approaching, and in what aspects?

Francesco Augelli:這是個好問題。我只了解湖南的情況,而不是整個中國的情況。當我2009年來到湖南時,我看到當地對歷史建筑的處理方法是一旦發現它們被破壞,就用新的來代替,而且他們還是在沒有科學診斷的情況下就這樣做。在意大利,方法是不同的。像醫生或偵探一樣,我們一步一步地進行診斷,一般來說,是對歷史建筑的間接和直接的了解。 在建筑現狀調研的工作過程中,當我們在在尋找線索的基礎上進行適當的調查后,我們可以使用儀器來獲取定性和定量的數據,再通過專家的正確理解和解釋,允許我們對木質結構(也包括其他材料)進行診斷,并以正確的療法進行治療。例如,如果存在昆蟲或霉菌,我們會給它充分的治療并保護木材。所以在最初,我們需要正確地確定哪些地方是不可逆轉的損壞,不能治療,必須以兼容和可逆的方式來更換。


Francesco Augelli: That's a good question. I know the situation in Hunan, not the whole of China. When I came to Hunan in 2009, the approach to historic buildings was to replace them with new ones when they were damaged, and they did this without a scientific diagnosis that permitted them to say if it was recoverable or not. In Italy, the approach is different. Like doctors or detectives, we perform the diagnosis step by step and, in general, the indirect and direct knowledge of the historic building. In the work process of the current condition of the building, after the proper investigation based on the searching of clues, we can use instruments to achieve qualitative and quantitative data that, properly understood and interpreted by experts, permit us to diagnose the wood structure (but also other materials) and treat it with the right therapy. For example, if insects or fungi exist, we will adequately treat and protect the timbers. First of all, we need to determine correctly which areas are irreversibly damaged, cannot be treated, and must be replaced in a compatible and reversible way.

As I said before, the Chinese approach to wooden structures was diffusely to remove the old elements or the whole building directly and replaces them with new ones. The current approach is, more and more, to remove only the deteriorated part to replace just the unrecoverable portions. But there are still problems because the workers are too frequently not trained adequately. After all, they are ordinary building workers. Carpenters should do a better job from a quality result point of view in the minimal intervention repairs.

意大利米蘭理工大學教授Francesco Augelli助理何昳慧、湖南大學建筑與規劃學院謝菲教授、永信和瑞建筑設計院長羅朝陽,城鄉規劃院長楊一美、副院長康承軍、總工程師任子健、副總建筑師李愿參加了對話。


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